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Our Story


The Meyers Family

(from the left, Elyjah, Aden, Anna, Jill & Thomas)​

​​The Beacon's story begins during a "normal" brunch date with a young adult from our church. Hearing the news and concerns of her two younger siblings that have been in foster care for quite some time and are in need of a forever home. Long story short, I blurted out, "we'll take them!" 


My husband, Thomas and I prayed about the decision, sought counsel, talked it over with Aden (born 2006) (my step-son), he lovingly accepted and God delivered! On February 18, 2022 Elyjah (born 2008) and Anna (born 2017) were placed into our care. On June 12, 2023 we adopted them into our hearts and family forever!


In reference to the exciting day when the children transitioned from their foster home to ours, it became evident that the addition of two more individuals to our care would significantly impact our daily routines, finances and responsibilities. Each child brought a considerable amount of personal belongings from the previous foster home. However, it was disheartening to learn that when they were removed from their biological home, they were only permitted to take the clothes they were wearing and a blanket. Consequently, they would require a complete replenishment of their personal items.


Within the Las Vegas area, there are a limited number of resource centers that provide support to the foster, adopted and kinship community. Our family was fortunate to have received their assistance during challenging times, and as result, we are motivated to contribute to the community. We draw upon our personal experiences and maintain a strong reliance on Divine guidance in our daily lives


We firmly believe that the Good News offers hope and a future through the Truths of God's Word and His Love. These principles serve as our unwavering foundation and core values. 


"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27


According to the department of family services, on most days, there are 3,400 kids in foster care in Clark County, with more than 100 children, teens, and sibling groups who are legally free for adoption.


Children and teens enter foster care due to safety concerns, often resulting from neglect or abuse. While entering foster care is no fault of their own, children and teens in foster care need extra nurturing, patience, understanding, love, and support to help them heal from their trauma and being separated from their bio-family. Like most kids, they also laugh, cry, play, help out, act silly, and have unique qualities that make them special. Many children and teens who are available for adoption through foster care may have special needs that require specialized care or therapeutic support. 


However, at times, when reunification is not possible, children and teens in foster care may become “legally free” for adoption. This means that their parents’ rights have been terminated and another life-long family is needed to raise the child/teen. The case plan goal then shifts to establishing a permanent family for the child, teen, or siblings in need.  Adoption provides these children and teens with a permanent family to call their own...forever!



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